Student Satisfaction with Distance Study Programs

Satisfaction, distance education, survey, E-learning


  • Oscar ROJAS CARRASCO CARRASCO 1Ph.D en Economía y Finanzas, Magister en Educación. MBA, Ingeniero Comercial. Académico de la Escuela de Ingeniería Comercial, Académico Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Santiago, Chile Universidad
  • Fernando HERRERA CIUDAD Máster en Finanzas, Magister en Educación, Ingeniero Comercial. Académico Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Santiago
  • José FARÍAS VERDUGO Académico Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Santiago, Chile
  • Albino GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ Académico Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Santiago, Chile
  • Nicolas Barrientos Oradini Magíster en Gobierno y Gerencia Pública , Magíster en Ciencias de la Educación, Director de Investigación, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
  • Adrián Pereira Santana Magister en Gestión Empresarial, Master en Dirección y Organización de Empresas, Doctor en Comunicación, Director de Magister y Postitulos a Distancia , Universidad Miguel de Cervantes.
  • Francisco Calderon Pujadas Magíster en Educación con Mención en Gestión de Calidad, Doctorando en Educación Mención Gestión Educativa, Académico, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
April 28, 2018


The objective of the present study is to determine the level of satisfaction of the students of the master professional in higher education program with specialization in management of quality of University study, a satisfaction survey was applied to what During its development.

The survey is annual, and in this case it was applied at the end of the second semester. It consists of 37 questions that assess the degree of compliance of the student with the service delivered by the online platform, on a scale from 1 to 7. A universe of 58 students, 37 survey respondents.

The results indicate a general conformity of students with distance learning programme and with the platform, which is evident in that 36 of 37 evaluated points Gets an average of over 5.

By grouping the points assessed by axis is obtained that the group with the best qualification is that of the questions referring to the staff student motivation, which has an average of 6.55, while the shaft with the lower-rated is that of the attention of the administrative staff nistrativo and teacher, with a note of 5.65.

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