Clinical Case: Treatment for a Sarcoid in a Quarter-Mile Horse Using a Citric Extract Adsorbed to a Titanium Nano-Particles

sarcoid, papilloma, titanium nano-particles


  • Víctor Octavio Fuentes Hernández Profesor Investigador, Centro Universitario de los Altos, Universidad de Guadalajara, Av. Rafael Casillas Aceves No. 1200, Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco, México. 47800
September 8, 2022


In a quarter-mile horse, a tumor-like mass was presented on the left flank, with a diagnosis of sarcoid. At the beginning, cures were carried out twice a day with natural water, hydrogen peroxide and coumaphos with propoxur as mosquicide and larvicide, observing that there was no favorable regeneration of the tissue and after the surgical removal of the tumoral mass. Treatment with NANOCIT was initiated on the 16th after surgery, a spray with citrus extracts adsorbed to a titanium nanoparticles (NANOCIT)  at 12 hours intervals for 15 days, treatment wit NANOCIT promoted an abundant granulation tissue with a termination of the inflammatory process with good cicatrization.

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