Processes of Knowledge Appropriation in an Online Collaboration Device

appropriation, task, collaborative activity, lexical units, meaning units


July 19, 2019


The purpose of this research is to identify variables that may have an impact on learners' knowledge appropriation in a context of academic training based on online collaborative learning according to determinants of appropriation ( appropriation of the task and appropriation of the group) and indicators of appropriation (appropriation performance, appropriation process and appropriation perception). We will focus here on analyzing the variable that concerns the process of appropriation. This one is measured through the contribution of the learners to the forum during collaborative activities. We analyzed content from messages by processing two types of data:

  • lexical units which make it possible to specify the topics of the messages delivered by the learners;
  • The meaning units that allow analyzing the nature of activity of the learners in the team forum.

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