Reflection on E-Learning and Adaptability in the Teaching and Learning of French as Foreign Language
The teaching of French in Morocco has seen better days. "A progressive and almost generalized decline in the level of French throughout the Moroccan school curriculum is certainly not original" [1]. The secondary cycle is one of them. Today, it encounters several difficulties that cannot be neglected. This is due to the learning methods or approaches as well as the programs imposed by the institutions and which do not take into consideration the expectations of the actors involved in the educational act especially with the integration of literary works. The learner, with a mostly low level, due to the accumulation of different factors, is disoriented, demotivated and gradually detaches himself from the learning of this language. In this light, we must look for other approaches and pedagogical methods to improve the quality of teaching/learning of French at the qualifying secondary level through the use of ICT and the adaptation of training which constitutes a new challenge in the field.
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