Rainfall Characteristics in the Câmpulung Muscel Depression (Argeș – România)
The study of climatic factors in a given area presents a great importance as it allows a better assessment of the production potential in relationship to a crop or a crop system. The ultimate goal is to collect information that is particularly useful to the management and development of the farm and the rural environment in general. Rainfalls are meteorological elements of greatest variability, determined mainly by the general air circulation in the troposphere, as well as the local physical and geographic conditions. Air masses, directed to the territory of România in different contexts, have a very broad range, from Arctic to Saharan, generating large fluctuations in rainfalls. This paper presents an analysis of the rainfall characteristics in the Câmpulung Muscel Depression between 1961 and 2010. Research includes the annual, monthly, seasonal variation of the precipitation amounts, extreme rainfall amounts, frequency, number of dryness and drought periods, and their frequency. Precipitation amounts vary greatly from one year to other, from one season to other, from one month to other. Because the rainfall regime cannot be altered and for crops to become less dependent on the rainfalls, it is necessary to apply appropriate technical measures.
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