Winter Analysis of Algoflora of Erosed Soils of Fergana Valley

Fergana, algoflora, erosion, profile, horizon, layer, Cyanophyta, Shlorophyta, distribution area, leading species.


  • Tukhtaboeva Yu.A. Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, Namangan State University
  • Tojiboev Sh.J. Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor, Namangan State University
June 25, 2022


Today, in the world it payed a great attention to ensuring soil stability, assessing the ecological and sanitary condition of eroded soils and substantiating the role of soil microflora in the classification of eroded soils into different types. Accordingly, the substantiation and implementation of the laws of formation of algoflora in soils under the influence of anthropogenic factors is a topical issue. In this regard, it is important to assess the current state of algae, especially in eroded soils, inventory, identify specific species, isolate their strains, obtain biomass.

Winter analysis of algae flora of eroded soils of the Fergana Valley revealed the occurrence and predominance of species belonging mainly to the Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta divisions, with a small number of species belonging to the Bacillariophyta division. The obtained species were studied on the basis of microscopic analyzes in samples taken from the soil layers of the surface layers and profile of eroded soils.