Prevalence and Pattern of Lung Dysfunction in Patients with Type 2 DM Attending a Tertiary Health Care Centre of Tripura by Spirometry

Diabetes mellitus, spirometry,restrictive lung function test


February 21, 2022
February 22, 2022


Introduction:- Diabetes has multiple microvascular and macrovascular complications, pulmonary complication though is less researched.In our present study we have tried to find out effects of diabetes mellitus on respiratory system.

Methods:- We did pulmonary function test on all patients admitted to Tripura medical college and Dr BRAM teaching hospital with diabetes mellitus after considering inclusion and exclusion criterias.

Result:- We have find higher prevalence of restricted lung disease in patients with diabetes mellitus and the relation between restrictive lung disease and HbA1C was statistically significant.

Conclusion:- So,should try to pick up lung disorders in diabetes patients from an early stage and try to treat it.