The Issues of Child Trafficking in Southeast Asia

Child Trafficking, Children, NGOs, Government, Southeastern Countries.


  • Joyce Say Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan
February 11, 2022


Child trafficking is a modern-day slavery, which involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain a certain type of labor or act of commercial. The trafficking of humans a serious crime that gravely violates the fundamental human rights. Almost every country in the world is involved in trafficking of children. Every year, millions of children are trafficked, and the estimation shows that child trafficking generates billions of dollars of profit per year. Nevertheless, many cases of human trafficking involve forced labor, there are larger socio-economical reasons behind the dreadful cycle. Many of the southeastern countries are still developing, with number of population under the poverty line. As a result, some families are forced to sell their own children into the slavery, leaving no other means of survival left besides. With such reasons, it is critical for the countries to develop with the people by the side, leaving no one behind, with a long-term goal to create a more stable social environment, by creating more jobs, for instance.