Characterization and Market Identification of Nutritious Syrup from Palm Juice

Palm Syrup, chemical properties, Sensory, SWOT analysis, Market


February 4, 2022


The frightening nutritious health issues have made the researchers to discover new ideology from the traditional methods. The threat to humanity due to under nutrition is very dangerous. The majority of the population suffers due to malnutrition. Food Processing is an emerging area of science hence it is essential to safeguard people form health issues. The traditional food technology methods have been identified with some innovative modifications to develop new food products. The present study deals with preparation of palm syrup from palm juice with affordable cost. The sensory evaluation was done for the formulated syrup and the product was accepted with the scale of 8. The chemical properties were estimated as the pH value of 5.3, 94% total carbohydrate and 0.1% protein. The SWOT analysis was carried out for the product. It provides higher food value syrup at lower cost.