Experimental Determination of Electron Interaction Parameters of Medically Significant Polymers

Interaction parameter; Mass stopping power; Effective atomic number; Effective electron density; Polymers


  • S. Ramesh Babu Department of Medical Physics, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka, India-580025
  • N.M. Badiger Department of Physics, Karnatak University, Dharwad, India-580003
April 28, 2018


Relativistic electron interaction parameters of medically significant polymers have been determined by measuring their mass stopping power in transmission geometry. Using Cs137 and Bi207 IC electrons in a narrow beam good geometry set-up, the incident and transmitted electrons were recorded with Si(Li) detector coupled to an 8K MCA. Experimentally determined effective atomic number for electron interactions have been compared with that computed by direct method for both electron and photon interactions. The stopping cross section and effective electron density values are determined from mass stopping power and effective atomic number. Validity of these interaction parameters over a wide range of relativistic energy up to 10 MeV is discussed.