Salvation to Hearts in Distress under Shells of Stress: Subtotal Pericardiectomy in a Series of 9 Patients with Constrictive Pericarditis
Objective: Chronic constrictive pericarditis (CCP) is a rare entity responsible of diastolic heart failure. The true prevalence is yet to be defined. The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical and para-clinical characteristics of patients with CCP, the therapeutic management, the outcomes and impacting factors.
Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective descriptive study from 2017 to 2020 including 9 patients hospitalized for CCP in our cardiovascular surgery department.
Results: The mean age was of 32.6 years. Majority were men (n=7). Dyspnea was the most common sign. Peripheral signs were dominated by signs of right heart failure. Cardiac ultrasonography showed pericardial thickening and calcifications with Doppler adiastolic signs in 90% of cases. Thoracic CT was performed in 7 patients, cardiac MRI in one patient, showing calcifications and measuring the pericardial thickening. Cardiac catheterization performed in 6 patients showed the aspect of Dip plateau. Tuberculosis etiology was retained in 55.6%; post-radiation origin in one patient and 33.4 % of cases were idiopathic. All of patients benefited from subtotal pericardiectomy with good results in the medium and long term. Two deaths occurred, the first patient died following multi-visceral failure, the second died 3 years later from neoplasia.
Conclusion: The CCP is a rare condition with poor prognosis. The diagnosis should be raised when there are signs of right heart failure associated with signs of hemodynamic adiastolia. The echocardiography, with computed tomography or cardiac MRI and especially cardiac catheterization confirm the diagnosis and also etiological orientation. Tuberculosis and idiopathic etiologies were the most common at our country. Medical treatment options are limited. Pericardiectomy remains the only radical treatment with good results in immediate, medium and long term.
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