A Conceptual Study on Role of Trikantakadi Kwath in Mutrakrichhra

Vibandha, Sthan Sansrya, Basti


April 9, 2021


Nowadays its commonly seen that majority of the people are affected from urinary disorder that may be due to their lifestyle, diet pattern, low water intake, using western toilet habit, contaminated water, anatomical anomalies and metabolic derangements. In Ayurveda urinary disorders comes under Mutrvahasrotasa and describe in the form of Mutrakricchra and Mutraghata. In both of the form Mutra Vibandha is there but in case of Mutrakricchra krichhrata is more prominent present mainly in the form of pain during before and after micturition that manifest in form of burning, tingling and stinging of urethra. Urinary disorders have become most common cause of morbidity and when further increases cause renal damage. Though the use of antibiotics has resolved the problem but relapses resistance and side effects are also associated with their long-term use. Now the need of Ayurvedic medicine arises to fill this lacuna. There are number of preparations described in Ayurveda text and trikantakadi kwath in one among them and it has wonderful propertiese that helps in curing mutrakrichhra.

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