The Importance of Tolerance in Islam Thoughts of Bahauddin Naqshband

Tasawwuf, Principles of Naqshbandi Order, spiritual crisis, human spirituality, religious tolerance, freedom of faith, aqidah (belief), ibadah (worship), akhlaq (ethics), and shariah (laws).


  • Karomat Kilicheva Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Department of General Education, Journalism and Mass Communication University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Gavkhar Klicheva Undergraduate Student, Psychology Department, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
February 27, 2021


Tolerance in Islam is a complex act, based on two foundations, that is, the nature of reward and that of prophecy. Whilst it does not lead to indifference, it also rejects any retreatment from the main beliefs of Islam. On the other hand, it reconciles with the rule of commanding right and forbidding wrong which emphasises being responsible towards any true or wrong belief and any good or bad behaviour. Additionally, Sufism is a mystical form of Islam that has flourished in the Muslim world for centuries. The Sufi emphasis on love as a central attribute of a believer shifts the focus from institution and ritual to the diffusion of love for God and for others. Therefore, the Muslim path leads to a kind of openness to others that the institutional aspect of the faith cannot embrace. Thus, this article will discuss Islamic and Sufi teachings on the importance of religious tolerance and human perfection.