Coastal Community Perception of Environmental Conservation (Case Study of Fishermen's Village in Nipah Hamlet, Malaka Village, North Lombok, NTB)
The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the perception of coastal communities about the main damage that occurred in the coastal and marine environment, 2) the cause of damage to the coastal and marine environment, as well as the party most responsible, and 3). efforts to protect the coastal and marine environment. The subjects of the study were coastal communities in Nipah Hamlet, Malaka Village, North Lombok. The number of respondents 40 people, as a representation of 10% of the total 400 heads of households, with the criteria for ages 20-60 years and male sex. Data collection techniques through documentation, observation, and interviews. Observation data were analyzed with Miles & Hubbermans Analysis. The results showed that: 1) there were two main damages, namely over-fishing 77.50% and water pollution 17.50%; both occur because of the exploitative behavior of fishing communities in the past that did not heed the conservation aspects; 2) there are three main causes of damage, namely rural communities (62.50%), Bupatis / Pemda (35.50%), and tourists (2.50%); and there are two parties most responsible for dealing with environmental damage, namely the village community (52.50), and the local government (47.50%); 3). Efforts to protect the coastal and marine environment in settlement environments include; worked together to clean up the settlement and beach environment on a weekly and monthly basis, beach planning and cleaning, tree planting, fish processing training. While activities at the fishing community level include; participate in fisherman group programs, help planting and maintaining coral reefs, preserve ornamental fish, monitor and prohibit the use of fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly (bombs, potassium and others).
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