Analysis Of Patients Undergoing Laparotomy In Acute Abdominal Conditions in CMCH (A Tertiary Care Hospital) Coimbatore.
Abstract :
To Analyse various acute emergency abdominal conditions presenting to the emergency department in Coimbatore medical college and hospital.
Patients presenting to the emergency room of Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital with features of acute abdominal conditions such as hollow viscus perforation , acute intestinal obstruction , blunt injury abdomen and ruptured liver abscess are included in this study.
Total number of patients included in the study group are 55. The most common age group is between 20 to 30 years. Total number of male patients are 42 and female patients are 13. Most common diagnosis in patients undergoing emergency laparotomy in male patients is perforative peritonitis and in female patients is acute intestinal obstruction.
Hollow viscus perforation leading to perforative peritonitis has been identified to be the most common cause of acute abdominal condition in male patients and acute intestinal obstruction in female patients undergoing emergency laparotomy in Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital.
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