The Effect of Quality of Work Life and Interpersonal Communication on Employee Work Performance with Transformational Leadership as Intervening Variables (A Study at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic)

Quality of Work Life, Interpersonal Communication, Transformational Leadership, Work Performance.


August 30, 2018


Quality of Work Life (QWL) can be interpreted into two approaches; the first states that Quality of Work Life is a set of circumstances and practices of organizational goals. According to Devito (2011: 4) expresses Interpersonal Communication (IC) is: "The process of sending and receiving messages between two people or among a small group of people, with some effects and some direct feedback".According to DuBrin (2005: 3) states that leadership is an effort to influence people through communication to achieve a goal. According to (Dessler, 2002) work performance (EP) is information used as a basis for making decisions related to promotions and salaries. Assessment of work performance is a systematic assessment of employees by their superiors or some other experts who understand the implementation of work by the employee or job position. The purpose of this research was conducted to find out and analyze: The influence of QWL, IC directly on IC and the influence of QWL, IC on work performance through Transformational Leadership (TL).