Influence Assessment of Discipline Procedures towards the Punctuality of Nurses’ Work and Civil Servants’ Performance in Panembahan Senopati General Hospital Bantul
One aspect of human resource strength can be reflected on the situation and behavior of discipline, because discipline strengthens the organization to achieve the goal in achieving the goal. Discipline is the most important operative function of human resources because the better the discipline of employees, the higher the achievement of work that can be achieved. Good discipline reflects the contents of one's responsibility for the assigned tasks clearly. This encourages work, morale, and realization of corporate, employee, and community goals. To maintain and improve good discipline is difficult, because many factors influence it.To know the influence of disciplinary procedures to the punctuality of nurses’ work and civil servants’ performance in Hospitals of Yogyakarta City. This research was observational with descriptive survey method and qualitative analytic. The population in this study was all nurses of civil servants who work in RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul by 172 people. The sample of this study amounted to 87 people with sampling technique of quota sampling. Data analysis used descriptive analysis. Disciplinary Procedures at Panembahan Senopati General Hospital in Bantul still refers to Laws because there is no specific regulation from the hospital. The results showed there are 59.57% of respondents who stated there is a very positive correlation between disciplinary procedures on employee performance. Furthermore, 68.09% of respondents have a very positive relationship between punctuality, employee performance and disciplinary procedures that can affect employee discipline. Employees who are familiar with the disciplinary procedures will easily do their work on time.
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