Critical Appraisal of Analogical Expressions in Charaka Samhita
Charaka Samhita is reputed to be one of the most ancient, comprehensive and authoritative works of Ayurveda and it occupies a very important place in the history of world’s medical science. Since antiquity, analogy (Upamana / Sadrishya) is one of the methods of expression in communicating the subject matter effectively. An analogy compares the similarities between two concepts “that are neither completely similar nor completely different”. The illustration of analogical expression clarifies even the subtlest meaning of a concept which can be easily understood by the wise and unwise. Charaka also adopted the method while delineating pathology, prognosis, nomenclature of diseases, treatment, dosage of medicine and for giving certain instructions to the physicians as well as describing instruments etc. Keeping this in view the present study includes an effort to trace out the analogical expressions articulated by Charaka and communicate their importance in various aspects.
CharakaSamhita by Agnivesaelaborated by Charaka&Drdhabala with the Ayuredadipkacommentary, by Sri
Cakrapanidatta edited by VaidyaYadavjiTrikamjiAcarya, ChaukhambhaSurbharatiPrakashan, Varanasi, 2013.
CharakaSamhita with English translation by R.K Sharma Bhagwan Dash, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series office, Varanasi,
A hand book of History of Ayurveda by Dr. R. Vidyanath& Dr. K. Nishteswar, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series office,
Varanasi, 2013.
CharakaSamhita e-book, CCRAS Publications, 2009.
Susan SpezziniIj-SoTL, Vol.4 [2010], No.2, Art. 11: Effects of Visual Analogies on Learner Outcomes: Bridging from
the Known to the Unknown.
All Content should be original and unpublished.