The Anthroponym System Of Hamlets/Villages In Yogyakarta Special Province (An Antropolinguistic Study)
This study aimed to describe the forms of the name of hamlets/villages (1) in terms of history and culture: the motivations and goals, reasons. The study design used in this study was descriptive quantitative, while the research method used was the method of ethnography proposed by Spradley. Spradley ethnographic method contains five steps forward research workflow stages: determining the ethnographic research techniques, knowing the 12 basic steps ethnographic methods, taking gradually the 12 main sequences, learning to conduct ethnographic interviews during the research, analyzing and doing problem-solving activities. The main method of data collection was in-depth interviews as well as observation and documentation which were done as the companion method. The main data of this research study was the name of the villages and the main data sources were informants and documentation. Research instrument used were a list of descriptive questionnaires and structural observation sheets. The location of the research was decided by doing purposive sampling technique. The data analysis method used was the agih method by using directly divided elements (BUL-Bagi Unsur Langsung: Indonesian) technique and the historical-cultural method. The results of this research study showed that in terms of linguistic and culture: the motivation and goals, reasons. The aspects of life are (1) in the region of istanasentris: the village names were dominantly taken from the history of the kingdom of life-culture (Kraton), whereas in the area of nonistanasentris, the dominant name of the villages were derived from history or culture of everyday life.The farther the area is from thecenter of palace, the smaller the culture’s influence in naming the village. (1) There were 17 kinds of motivation and toponym’s purpose in the area of istanasentris. Meanwhile, the motivation and purpose of toponyms in the non-istanasentris area were 15 kinds. (2 ) The main reasons of motivation and purpose of naming the villages in the area of istanasentris were 22 kinds which were dominantly capturing the shades of royal life, while reason in the area of non-istanasentris were 21 which were dominantly portrayed the daily lives.
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