Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Perspective from Environmental Law Compliance and Enforcement for Sustainable Development
Environmental problem in Indonesia cause by many aspect. The most influence cause from development especially from business and/ or activity is exploit natural resources such as plantation, mining, forestry, etc. Every activity in Environmental Law compliance system in Indonesia must through the licensing mechanism. As a controller purposes and supervision function from the government, licensing mechanism is the most important process that influence and cause the environmental problem and degradation in Indonesia. Basically every activity have a impact to environment, but in Indonesia the definition of pollution in environmental law depend of environmental quality standard that regulate by the government. Today, when Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practise, it’s tend to be done because of their perspective their business and/ or activity influence the human directly, but not in perspective of environment pollution or descruction that may cause by the activity can harm or impact to environment generally such as ecosystem and other life form including culture. Environmental law purpose is to preservation of environmental functions, so in perspective of every activity impact to environment without consider how much impact that influence by activity, the responsibility concept in CSR must be interpreted as liability from the corporate, not only responsible for society but also to preservation of environmental function that impact by the corporate activity. The regulation in Indonesia today is already consider about the CSR implementation through the Law No. 40/2007 on Incorporated Company (PT) that obligate the social and environment responsibility, but not effectively implementation especially for the responsibility for the environmental aspect because of the shape and mechanism of CSR is not regulate clearly. The sanction concept is also must be develop when the CSR not imply properlly based of environment perspective by the corporate.
Finaly, the government from the state responsibility principle perspective must be support and develop every instruments to protect their country from any threat including environmental degradation. Environmental law regulation must be develop to support the sustainable development concept and equity for present and the next generation.
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