The Lived Experience of Members and Leaders of Small Christian Communities; Trained Under LUMKO East Africa in Nairobi
On 5th October, 2024, at Subukia Shrine in the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru, Kenya, the annual National Prayer Day was celebrated. It was combined with the climax of AMECEA[1] celebrating Fifty (50) years since Small Christian Communities (SCCs)[2] were adopted as the Pastoral Priority for the region. The theme for the day was, “Journeying together as a family of God with Integrity through SCCs”. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the chairperson of AMECEA, Chancellor of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa and alumni of LUMKO Pastoral workshops, Rt. Rev. Charles Kasonde of Zambia.
Among those acknowledged were facilitators of LUMKO Pastoral workshops. who dutifully trained Pastoral Agents within AMECEA region for Thirty-Four (34) years. The researcher who is also a Pastoral Agent trainer under LUMKO, undertook to conduct a Phenomenological inquiry among LUMKO alumnus to mark this Golden Jubilee of SCCs.
The main research questions were informed by phenomenology (a philosophy as well as a methodology in research), hence phrased in the following manner:
- In what ways do leaders of SCCs describe their experiences of being in their SCCs?
- How do SCC leaders personally perceive their ability when using instructional communication skills in meetings?
- Describe your personal experience in making decisions within your SCC?
- In your experience, what strategies of empowering your SCC have been successful?
An Interview Protocol was prepared, and administered to a small sample size, purposively selected. Thematic data analysis, interpretation and discussions were inductively done. Ethical considerations were adhered to. The conclusion and recommendations were made.
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