Therapeutic Patient Education and Retention of People Living With HIV within the Healthcare Area of Emana (Yaounde, Cameroon)
Introduction: Therapeutic patient education (TPE) helps individuals suffering from chronic illnesses to become capable of managing their disease, produce health benefits, and make financial savings. However, many healthcare providers lack the necessary abilities to educate their patients.
Objective and method: In this study, we aim to answer the following research question: Does therapeutic patient education influence the retention of people living with HIV (PLHIV) within the healthcare area of Emana? In doing so, we wanted to verify the hypothesis that therapeutic patient education influences the retention of PLHIV within the healthcare area of Emana.
Results: The context plays an essential role in understanding and assimilating new information, encompassing both the physical environment and the social, cultural, and psychological elements that influence the learner; The development of psychosocial skills becomes crucial as a person's ability to maintain mental well-being by adopting appropriate and positive behavior in relationships with others, their own culture, and their environment; A strong sense of self-efficacy can have significant benefits in various situations, including the belief in one's ability to achieve goals and overcome obstacles; and information alone is not sufficient to help patients manage their illness on a daily basis.
Conclusion: Our study allows us to note that learning the practice of TPE influences the retention of PLHIV within the healthcare area of Emana; and that the role of healthcare actors in practice influences the retention of PLHIV within the healthcare area of Emana.
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