Identifying and Isolating of H. pylori in patients who are experiencing Inflammation in their Gastrointestinal tract
Background: Peptic ulcer illness, stomach cancer and chronic gastritis are gastro-duodenal diseases that are mostly caused by Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori.
Objective: To find out how common Helicobacter pylori infection is among patients at Al Sadder Teaching Hospital in Al-Najaf, Iraq, as well as related factors including age, gender, residency, and blood group.
Methods: The entirety of 197 patients—79 men and 118 women—of both genders and various age groups—from under 10 to around 60 years old—were reported to have symptoms of gastrointestinal inflammation.
Result: The total numbers of participants in the current study were 197 patients, found 156 (79.2%) positive and 41(20.8%) negative results. Females had a greatest percentage of H. pylori (47.2%), while males had the lowest incidence of prevalence (32%). The age group (31-40) had greatest percentage with (14.7%), followed by the age group (41-50) with (13.2%), and then the age group (21-30) with (11.7%) while lowest percentages in age groups < 10 and ˃ 60 years old. The blood group type O, which had the greatest positive rate (27.9%), was followed by the blood groups types A, B, and AB, with 16.8%, 13.7%, and 4.1%, respectively. People who live in rural areas (30.4%) have a elevated frequency of H. pylori infection when compared with persons who reside in urban areas (28.4%).
Conclusion: The findings showed that H. pylori was more frequent in women than men, in rural areas, and in patients between the ages of 31 and 40. Additionally, individuals with the O blood group had higher H. pylori frequency.
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