A Study of Scale Development for Determining the Political Tactics Used by School Administrators
The aim of this study is to develop a scale to identify the political tactics used by school administrators. To do this, a 44-item measurement tool,which was created based on interviews with 12 teachers, was presented to six domain experts to verify the content validity.The content validity ratio of each item was then calculated via the Lawshe technique and 12 items that were not approved were subtracted from the scale.The remaining 32-item measuring instrument was applied to 200 teachers working in the Turkish province of Denizli during the 2016-2017 school year.
The reliability coefficients (Cronbach α) of all scales and sub-dimensions were calculated, and factor-based discrimination procedures, item-remaining and item-total correlations, and relationship analysis between factors were performed. As a result, three items with a negative correlation with the item-total correlation and two items with a contradiction as a result of the factor analysis were subtracted. A 27-item scale consisting of five factors was obtained. The identified factors were named favouritism, intimidation, depreciation, branding, and coalition formation, respectively.
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