Challenges Affecting Effective Application of Strategic Management Techniques in the Process of Implementing Organisational Change in Zambia Correctional Service
Strategic management is a management tool that both public and private sector entities adopt to improve organizational performance especially in the process of implementing organizational change. Zambia Correctional Service in particular has been undergoing a paradigm shift in order to implement new security sector reforms. Like many other public entities world over, the Service has continuously recorded failure in achieving strategic objectives, as noted by Cabinet Office’s 2020 performance assessment. Therefore, this study sought to identify challenges that affect effective application of strategic management techniques in the process of implementing organisational change. This research involved ten top management leadership officials, using qualitative methods like in-depth interviews and focus group discussions for data validity, reliability, and triangulation. Thematic and content analysis was performed using Google Forms software, ensuring reliability and validity of the data. Research findings indicate that the Service has been experiencing a number of challenges and these include having an ambiguous vision statement, operating on an outdated organisational structure, inadequate end-user engagement and ineffective examination and modification of work processes. The findings show that the Service needs to develop a model for application of strategic management techniques that support implementation of organisational change. The model should include elements such as establishing a clear end goal (vision), revise the structure to suit the demands of the current strategic plan, conduct program impact assessments to effectively measure performance and examine and modify work processes for effective and efficient public resource management.
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