Impact of Mediation of Patient Safety Implementation on Safety Culture and Communication and its Influence on Nurse Performance in Bali Province Psychiatric Hospital
Patient safety is a top priority that must be implemented by hospitals, however, incidents safety patients at the Bali Province Psychiatric Hospital still happens, this research was conducted to convey importance a safety culture and communication so that it can improve the application of patient safety so that it has an impact on nurse performance. This research purposes to uncover the mediating impact of implementing patient safety on safety culture and communication and its effect on nurse performance. This research is a quantitative research conducted with surveys, using a sample data of 100 nurses working in the inpatient room of the Bali Province Psychiatric Hospital. Analysis using PLS-based SEM with approach quantitative as well as scale measuring from study before. The results of the study found that safety culture and communication positive and significant effect on patient safety and nurse performance. Patient safety proven influential positive and significant to nurse performance, as well as the implementation of capable patient safety mediate on influence not direct safety culture and communication against employee performance and nurse performance tend defined by safety culture. Advice to management Bali Province Psychiatric Hospital to avoid the attitude of accusing incidents made or reported by staff so that these incidents can make learning not happen again.
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