Implementation of Scaffolding Assisted Project-Based Learning Models in Buffer Solution Materials
This study was conducted to solve of applying the learning model to skills and scientific process results in Buffer Solution learning materials in senior high school (SMA). In the early stages, the researchers designed scaffolding by linking the PjBL Flipped Classroom model, KPS, and buffer solution material. Then, these two products were validated by a team of experts involving scaffolding design validation, flow validation, learning design validation, and material validation to see the suitability of the scaffolding assistance at each stage of the PjBL Flipped Classroom model and the feasibility of the products developed and required to adopt the products produced to the principles set found in learning design. After completing the validation stage, the practitioner validation stage is continued to see the practicality of using the product being developed. Then a small group test is carried out to see the application of the product being developed. The results showed that learning chemistry using the Scaffolding Flow in the PJBL Flipped Classroom model could increase students' chemistry learning activities and outcomes on the concept of buffer solutions.
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