Determination of Hope Food Pattern Score (PPH) Score Based on the Study of Finished Food Components
Research has been conducted on the determination of the Hope Food Pattern Score (PPH) based on the study of finished food components. Finished foods are processed foods, traditional foods, culinary foods, which can be consumed immediately, without the need to reprocess them. Finished food is considered important for the determination of the PPH score targeted by the national food security agency, which has a PPH score of 92.5. This was stated by the Government through the Ministry of Agriculture in 2019, targeting nationally the score for PPH food diversification based on local resources to reach 92.5.
The target of achieving a PPH score of 92.5 is difficult to achieve because in reality the 2019 SUSENAS data does not include the value of finished food energy into the PPH food group component, even though in the calculation, the finished food component is very influential on the results of calculating PPH, the energy is around 15-20% of total energy. From the calculation results, the Hope Food Pattern Score calculated based on the Average Calorie Consumption Per Capita a Day (Kcal) of West Java Province SUSENAS 2019 data plus ready-made food purchased at hawker places in food center centers, has not met the PPH score in accordance with the target, namely kupat tahu average PPH score 68.84, chicken porridge - average PPH score 80.06, fried rice has an average PPH score of 80.95, kupat sayur has an average PPH score of 83.94, and gado-gado has an average PPH score of 87.95.
For this reason, with this study, it is recommended to make finished food recipes with food components whose forming raw materials are arranged then grouped according to the expectation food pattern group and simulated the value of the PPH quality score so that it has a score of around PPH 92.5.
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All Content should be original and unpublished.