The Effect of Black Tea (Camelia sinensis L) and Clover Flower (Syzygium aromaticum L) Formula on The Characteristics of Bagged Tea
Tea (Camellia sinensis L) is a type of plant that contains various compounds and beneficial for health. The research objective was to determine the effect of black tea and clove flower formulations as a refreshing and healthy drink. Data were analyzed using a completely randomized design (CRD) with black tea and clove flower formulations namely P0(100:0)%, P1 (80:20,)%, P2 (85:15)%, P3(90:10)% and P4(95:5)%, data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANAVA). If the results of the ANOVA test show a significant difference then continue with Duncan's test. The results showed that the best formulation of black tea and clove flower for water content was the P4 treatment of 9.16%, the P3 treatment of 731.95 ppm of phenol, the P3 treatment of 0.16 mg/gr plavonoids, the antioxidant treatment of 5.82 ppm. Organoleptic tests for color, aroma and taste are neutral. However, the overall formulation is in the P3 treatment (90:10)%.
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