Sea Level Fluctuations and Rates in the Kenjeran Coast, Surabaya and Its Surroundings
Kenjeran is one of the famous tourist areas in the city of Surabaya with a population of 7,021 people, most of which are concentrated in the coastal area. The coastal area of Surabaya is an area that is affected by sea level rise. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the types of tides that exist in the Kenjeran Region of Surabaya and how much sea level fluctuations and the rate of sea level rise were using real-time tidal data for 2014-2021 and Altrimetry satellite data in the period 2002-2021. The analytical method for tidal calculations was the Admiralty calculation and other method was linear regresion method. Based on the results of processing and calculating the tidal type data in the Kenjeran Region, it was classified as a mixed tidal type tend to the double daily tidal type. The new finding was that the fluctuation values of each data were very different. However, there was a similar pattern of relationship between data obtained from BIG and Altimetry satellites in the period 2014-2021 and 2002-2021, namely the trend of increasing MSL rate based on monthly and annual data. In altimetry satellite data, the differences in sea level rates that occured in the Kenjeran Region in the span of 7 years and 20 years showed a significant difference.
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