Impact of Emotions on Investment Decisions of Individual Investors in Vietnam Stock Market
To improve investment performance and achieve long-term returns, investors need to control their emotions. The article studies the impact of emotions on individual investors' decision to buy and sell securities, including two main expressions: loss aversion and regret aversion. The article uses descriptive statistical methods and analyzes data through the results of a survey of 150 individual investors on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange. The results show that investors' decisions are influenced by loss aversion and regret aversion. Investors often feel stress when losing, they keep losing stocks for a long time because they hope the price can rise again, but when they make a profit, they sell their shares very quickly to take profits because they are afraid of regret if they lose their profits, which reduces investment efficiency, even leads to losses. To improve investment results, investors need to control their emotions well through careful planning and disciplined execution of the plan.
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