Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Performance of non-life insurance in Kenya
This research aimed to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of non-life insurance in Kenya. The research was based on the Schumpeter’s Theory. The study used a survey research design. The study's target population included 35 non-life insurance businesses licensed by the insurance regulatory authority, serving as the unit of analysis. Two senior and six middle management officials from the 35 non-life insurance companies were selected as respondents. The study used a census research survey. The primary data was gathered using self-administered questionnaires. The study also collected secondary data using secondary data collection sheet. The data was examined by descriptive statistics, including mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages, while inferential statistics were assessed via correlation analysis and regression analysis to evaluate the hypothesis. Reliability and validity assessments were performed to ascertain the internal consistencies of the examined variables. The gathered data was edited, coded, classed, tabulated and input into Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25 for analysis. The findings were shown in tables and models. The effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the performance of non-life insurance was found to be significant. The study concluded that entrepreneurial orientation plays a crucial role in enhancing the performance of non-life insurance in Kenya. Based on these findings, non-life insurance companies should cultivate a culture that embraces risk-taking, allowing employees to explore new ideas without fear of failure. Empowering employees by granting them decision-making autonomy can lead to increased creativity and problem-solving capabilities.
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