Improving Work Engagement Strengthened by Self Efficacy and Organizational Culture
Employees' performance influences an organization's success; an organization will try to improve employee performance to achieve organizational goals; employees are an important factor. The success of an organization depends on the performance of its employees. This research analyzes the influence of self-efficacy and organizational culture on work engagement. Data analysis techniques use description analysis and regression analysis. Self-efficacy is formed from self-confidence, self-control, self-adjustment, self-effectiveness, and positive attitudes. Self-control is the biggest contribution to the formation of self-efficacy, reflected in remaining calm in the face of difficulties because you can rely on emotional abilities. Organizational culture is formed from involvement, consistency, adaptation, and mission. The greatest contribution to the formation of organizational culture is adaptation. This can be seen from the attitude of employees who always follow every change in organizational culture with full responsibility. Work engagement is formed from enthusiasm, dedication, and appreciation. The biggest contribution to forming work engagement is dedication, reflected in pride in the work done. Employee performance is formed from being service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, and loyal. The greatest contribution to the formation of employee performance is competence, reflected in always improving one's competence to answer ever-changing challenges. Self-efficacy provides confidence and self-confidence in employees in their ability to be involved and contribute to work engagement, which can be seen in high work morale, enthusiasm for their work, and appreciation or focus in carrying out their work. Organizational culture guides employees in work behavior by providing an overview of the goals to be achieved together. Based on the research results, the following contributions are given. For the Pemalang Regency Government, leaders of government agencies can pay attention to matters related to self-efficacy behavior, organizational culture, and job design to improve employee performance.
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