Analysis of the Competitiveness Factors of the Port of Cotonou in the Economic Growth of Benin
The present work examines some contributions for a better competitiveness of the port of Cotonou and its importance in Benin's economic growth. The methodological approach used is based on data collection, desk research and fieldwork. The results are analyzed by the FFOM method. Cotonou port users estimate more than 50% improvements in the quality of services, quality of infrastructure and equipment, and the quality of access roads. 74% of port stakeholders deplore the slowness of cargo handling operations. The port of Cotonou is confronted with the exacerbation of competition (72.1% port of Lomé, 10.6% port of Téma, 8.4% port of Abidjan) which inhibits commercial development and in particular reduces port traffic in certain markets.
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