The Effect of Work Environment on Employee Performance Through the Job Satisfaction in Drinking Water Company Pandaan Indonesia

Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance.


November 13, 2018


The background of this study aims to determine the effect of work environment on employee job satisfaction, the influence of work environment on employee performance, the influence of job satisfaction on employee performance and to determine the indirect effect of work environment on employee performance through job satisfaction at Drinking Water Company in Pandaan on Water Quality Laboratory. This research is included in explanatory research. In accordance with the objectives to be achieved in this study describes the relationship and influence some predefined variables. This study used a sample of 50 employees of Drinking Water Company in Pandaan on Water Quality Laboratory with data collection techniques through interviews, documentation and spread questionnaires. The test used to test the research instrument in the form of validity test, reliability test and classical assumption test. Hypothesis test using path analysis. To analyze the data used is the residual normality test.