Dialectical Idea About The Onset Of Management Information System Between Ancient And Modern

The elements of Management Information System, Repentance, Baddeeds,Good deeds, Recovery.



Opinions varied about the first beginnings of the emergence of the idea of management information system and with the multiplicity they all moved away from the truth in determining these beginnings in revenue convincing evidence at hand. The study was conducted by focusing on the elements of the information system, which includes four elements inputs, processes, outputs and feedback through the use of Management Information System literature to expand the meanings of Quranic verses , deepen and develop the evidence, based on three of the interpretations, namely: in the shadows of the Qur’an ( Qutb,1971 ) . And the whole of the Qur’an (AlQortuby, 1966) and the meaning of the glorious Qur’an (Pickthall, 1998).This study represents an attempt to prove this truth in advance of the firstbeginning of the emergence of the idea of the information system through the interpretation of the verses of the” Koran” and the “Hadith.The key findings are, the idea of the information system is an old idea emerged with the advent of creation and the creation of the heavens and the earth and them were associated in particular with the creation of the jinn and mankind, and this information system is characterized by as a very careful, well known and precisely defined and reliable inputs, reliable and integrated processes and a clear, accurate, and efficient and effective. Integrated output, correct and confirmed.