Promotion Strategy for Higher Education Business Based on Customer Path 5A and Product Performance using Instagram Content Types
The competition for recruiting students in higher education institutions is intensifying, particularly in West Java, due to the large amount of higher education institutions in the region. The capacity of state higher education institutions (SHEIs) in this area remains limited, offering only 19,943 seats in 2023, which is insufficient to meet the high demand from prospective students. This situation creates opportunities to develop higher education institution businesses through effective recruitment strategies. According to We Are Social (2024), social media usage continues to rise, with Instagram being the most popular platform, making it an effective medium for higher education institution promotion. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Instagram content types and themes in supporting higher education institution promotion. The research objects are divided into five models: (1) Model I (organic hard selling); (2) Model II (organic soft selling with educational comic themes); (3) Model III (organic soft selling with quiz themes); (4) Model IV (organic soft selling with achievement information themes); and (5) Model V (paid hard selling). The research employs an exploratory quantitative method using 5A analysis and Product Performance analysis. Data were collected from Instagram activities during the marketing campaign from January 2024 to September 2024, student admission data, and interviews conducted at XYZ Private University in Bandung. The results indicate that Model II, Model IV, and Model V are effective in supporting higher education institution promotion.
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