A Multidimensional Analysis of Women's Empowerment in Saudi Higher Education Using SEM
This study examines the determinants of women's empowerment among academic and administrative staff in Saudi Arabian universities, focusing on higher education as a key area for gender equality and empowerment. Drawing on a cross-sectional survey conducted across five universities, the research explores various dimensions of empowerment, including financial, social, workplace, relational, and personal empowerment. Using SmartPLS for data analysis, the study identifies significant positive relationships between women's empowerment and these dimensions, highlighting the role of education, government initiatives, and professional attributes in fostering empowerment. The findings underscore the importance of contextual factors, such as Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, in promoting gender equality and suggest that empowered women in higher education can serve as role models, influencing future generations. This research contributes to the literature on women's empowerment by providing a comprehensive analysis of the factors driving empowerment in Saudi Arabia's higher education sector, offering insights for policymakers and institutions aiming to enhance gender equality and women's participation in the workforce.
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