Sharia Compliance and Fraud: Study on Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia
The existence of fraud at Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia has a negative impact on public trust in Sharia Banks and proves that there is no guarantee that Sharia-based banks are free from fraud. Measurement is required through Sharia compliance with several measurement indicators, including the Islamic Income Ratio (IsIR), Profit-Sharing Ratio (PSR), and Equitable Distribution Ratio (EDR). This research intends to analyze the influence of Sharia compliance on fraud in Sharia Commercial Banks. The type of research uses quantitative research with analytical descriptive research methods. The data used is panel data from Sharia Commercial Banks for 2019–2022 which are registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK). The research employed non-probability sampling approaches for sampling, and logistic regression analysis for data processing using EViews 12. This research showed that the Islamic Income Ratio, Profit-Sharing Ratio, and Equitable Distribution Ratio do not affect Fraud in Sharia Commercial Banks for 2019-2022. The coefficient determination with an Adjusted R Square value is 0.0955 or 9.55% indicates that the contribution of the Islamic Income Ratio, Profit-Sharing Ratio, and Equitable Distribution Ratio to Fraud is 9,55%. Meanwhile, the remaining 90.45% was affected by other variables outside the research.
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