Work-Life Balance and Employee Performance in Selected Deposit Money Banks in Delta State, Nigeria
This study examined the effect of work-life balance on employee performance among staff of selected deposit money banks in Delta State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to ascertain the effect of the measures of work-life balance, namely; flexi-time schedules, family leave programs, child care facilities, and job sharing on the employee performance. Survey research design was adopted in this study. The total population of the study was 2,083 employees from nine selected banks which comprise of staff of the banks under study. The Taro Yamane formula was used to draw a sample size of 336 employees. The primary data used in this study were collected through the aid of five point-likert scale structured questionnaire. A total of three hundred and thirty-six (336) copies of questionnaire were administered to staff of selected deposit money banks in Delta State. However, three hundred and nineteen (319) were retrieved and properly filled. The responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and multiple regressions with the aid of SPSS version 23. The findings revealed that the four dimensions of work-life balance have positive significant effect on employee performance. The study concluded that work-life balance is a strong determinant employee performance in deposit money banks in Delta State, Nigeria. The study recommended that more flexi-time schedules be made available to all employees, provided it will not affect their performance. Also, managers of these banks should encourage their employees to fix their leave at their convenient period after performing all their work related duties. In order to achieve a successful work-life balance, management should provide a conducive work environment and flexible work hours as well as consider job sharing options.
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