Linking Destination Image and Event Quality with Tourist Satisfaction to Increase Tourism Loyalty in Sampang Regency

Destination Image; Event Quality; Tourist Satisfaction; Tourist Loyalty


  • Pribanus Wantara
    Management Department, Economic and Business Faculty, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
  • Alvin Sugeng Prasetyo Economic Department, Economic and Business Faculty, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to examine the structural relationship between destination image, event quality, tourist satisfaction, and tourist loyalty in the context of Madurese cultural arts performances in Sampang Regency, especially those held at Lon-Malang Beach, Toroan Beach and Camplong Beach. The proposed structural model relationship between variables was tested using structural equation modeling with data from 190 respondents utilizing the bootstrapping method. The study findings show a direct correlation between event quality and destination image with the level of tourist satisfaction during their visit to tourist loyalty. There is evidence that tourist satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between destination image and tourist loyalty. This study emphasizes the importance of including event quality in the tourism destination model, and shows that events such as Madurese cultural arts performances are an integral part of a marketing plan aimed at improving destination image, tourist satisfaction, and tourist loyalty.