Financial Literacy Moderation on the Influence of E-Wallet Usage and Locus of Control on Consumtive Behavior of Generation Z in Denpasar City
In the city of Denpasar, Bali, generation Z is a group that is increasingly using digital technology in everyday life. One digital technology that is widely used by generation Z is e-wallet. Even though the use of e-wallets among generation Z is increasing, there are still problems in optimal financial management. This can be seen from the increase in consumer behaviour which has not been balanced with an adequate level of financial literacy. Therefore, knowledge in personal financial management is needed to help them make the right financial decisions. This research aims to analyse Financial Literacy Moderation on the influence of E Wallet Usage and Locus of Control on Generation Z's Consumptive Behaviour in Denpasar City. The subjects in this research are Generation Z in Denpasar City. Descriptive measurements and analysis were carried out to obtain an overview or portrait of the respondents. Data was collected through a questionnaire instrument (Likert Scale) which had been tested for validity and reliability. Meanwhile, the sample was determined as 105 people using incidental sampling technique. Next, the collected data was analysed using the SEM-PLS analysis technique. The research results state 1.Ewallet usage has a negative and significant effect on the consumptive behaviour of generation Z in the city of Denpasar. 2. Locus of control has a positive and significant effect on the consumptive behaviour of generation Z in the city of Denpasar. 3. Financial literacy has a negative and significant effect on the consumptive behaviour of generation Z in the city of Denpasar. 4 .Financial literacy moderates the influence of e-wallet usage on the consumptive behaviour of generation Z in the city of Denpasar 5. Financial literacy moderates the influence of locus of control on the consumptive behaviour of generation Z in the city of Denpasar.
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