Investor Overreaction in Times of Health Crisis: Moroccan Stock Market Case

Overreaction; Efficient Market Hypothesis; Health crisis; Coronavirus; behavioral finance; Coronavirus Fear Index


  • AOURAGH Noufle Prospective Research Laboratory in Finance and Management, National School of Commerce and Management (ENCG) Casablanca, Hassan II University, Morocco.
  • IBENRISSOUL Nafii Prospective Research Laboratory in Finance and Management, National School of Commerce and Management (ENCG) Casablanca, Hassan II University, Morocco.
May 4, 2023


In this article, we try to analyze and explain the causes of the overreaction of investors within the Moroccan stock market when a new crisis context emerges, while using a behavioral analysis approach based on the index of fear. To do this, we highlight several explanatory variables linked to COVID-19 pandemic that can lead investors to react irrationally in times of health crisis. The results show that the presence of the phenomenon of investor overreaction in the Moroccan stock market in this period is explained by fear. This feeling was caused by the uncertainties in the developed financial markets in connection with the spread of the coronavirus in the world.