The Influence of Internal Factors on Collective Bargaining in the Context of Integration: The Case of the Textile Industry

internal factors, collective bargaining, labor economics, human resource management


  • Do Thi Tuoi University of Labour and Social Affairs, Hanoi, Vietnam
April 28, 2023


For collective bargaining at enterprises to be substantive and effective, it requires the efforts of the subjects of labor relations at enterprises, support from local authorities responsible for managing labor, and amendment of legislation, especially regarding collective bargaining. This study is conducted to investigate the impact level of internal factors on collective bargaining in the context of integration: The case of the textile industry. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire with 120 survey questionnaires from textile firms. Quantitative research methods are applied to evaluate the impact of internal factors on collective bargaining. The results show that internal factors including five components has a significant impact on collective bargaining. Based on the findings, some recommendations are proposed for improving collective bargaining in the context of integration in the textile industry and contribute to stabilizing the situation of labor relations in enterprises.