Education Production Function in Senegal at the Primary Level: Box-Cox Transformation (1964)

educational production function; Box-Cox transformation; Senegal; PASEC


  • Abdramane SOW LARES (Economics Research Laboratory) Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis
December 21, 2022


This paper proposes to estimate the educational production functions of Senegal from the PASEC 2014 data at the primary level at the beginning and end of schooling by the BOX-COX (1964) transformation. We do not impose a linear functional form a priori but propose to determine it using the BOX-COX model. The results obtained indicate that the widespread use of the linear form is not appropriate, at least with respect to the Senegalese data. On the other hand, the use of this transformation at the beginning and at the end of the schooling period yielded interesting results.