The Importance of Understanding Applications and Strategies in Marketing MSME Products on Social Media during the Covid 19 Pandemic
The purpose of this study was to find out how the techniques, elements, processes and activities of MSME actors in using digital marketing to compete during the pandemic. Research on digital marketing strategies for MSME to compete in this pandemic era uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analytical approach. Descriptive research is data collection based on factors that support the object of research. Qualitative research is concerned with the ideas, perceptions, opinions, beliefs of the people to be studied and all of them cannot be measured by numbers. The results of the study show that there are still at least MSME that use digital marketing (15.08%) as a strategy to increase sales and require an understanding of digital marketing. Based on research analysis, MSME that are already using digital marketing are able to survive and even increase sales without relying on conventional stores.
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