The Use of Information Technology to Short the Waiting Time for Examination of Road Care Patients at RSU Islam Klaten

information technology, shorten waiting time, patient examination


January 20, 2021
January 23, 2021


Background :Outpatient services are a reflection of hospital services.As a form of health service facility that organizes health efforts, hospitals often experience difficulties in managing information for both internal and external needs. One form of application is through service systems by utilizing information technology through the use of computer-based on information systems.The Lean Hospital concept, which has been successfully implemented in several hospitals, is expected to eliminate waste and add value added activity which will ultimately increase patient satisfaction.

Purpose : The purpose of this study was to calculate patient waiting time with the application of information technology in the outpatient polyclinic of RSU Islam Klaten.

Research methods: This type of research uses a descriptive analytic method. This research method used a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study amounted to 81 respondents with the sampling technique using purposive sampling. The analysis in research using the t-test. The research instruments used included literature studies, interviews and direct observation of medical record officers, nurses of polyclinic nurses, registration departments, and patients at RSU Islam Klaten.

Result:There is a significant relationship between waiting time and patient satisfaction p = 0.001. Patients with long waiting times were more dissatisfied (60.0%), while fast waiting times were more very satisfied (73.9%).

Conclusion:The success of health services is seen from the patient's waiting time and patient satisfaction. Waiting time is the time used by patients to get health services from the registration point to getting in the doctor's examination room. Overall information technology shortens patient waiting time in parts of registration-polyclinic and Pharmacy.