Virtual Learning Environment Scenario in Higher Education (Web-based Learning)
Education is a social process. The form and content of education of any age and society is a product of society-education dialectics. The transformation in the education system of India from the ancient Guru Kula system to today’s virtual Learning system is a reflection of the changing social context. The new social realities, particularly the interplay between democratization of education, emergency of a knowledge society and globalization greatly influences the education process of all societies. In this context, the quality of education assumes added importance and becomes the primary concern of all the stakeholders in education. These statements look like descriptions of very obvious things. But this ‘obvious’ is also equally contentious and more so in higher education.
Today, globalisation has generated a good vibration and life for higher education. The new era of technology enabled education or ‘e-Learning’ is displacing the outdated traditional methods of learning. E-learning is also a broader term than ‘on-line learning’, ‘virtual learning’ or ‘online education’ which generally refers to purely web-based learning. In cases where mobile technologies are used, the term ‘m-learning’ is used.
University News A Weekly Journal of Higher Education Vol. 50 No. 05 January 30- February 05, 2012.
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University News A Weekly Journal of Higher Education
Vol. 50 No. 05 January 30- February 05, 2012. Page-21