A Comparative Study on Risk & Return Analysis of Selected Stocks in India
Stock market is a market where a number of securities are traded such as equity shares, debentures, bonds, insurance products, mutual funds etc. mostly the existing securities are traded in this market. India has one of the oldest stock markets in Asia and this stock exchange is the Bombay Stock Exchange which was established in 1875. It was started under the banner of “The Native Stock and Share Brokers Association”. The main aim of this article is to study the fluctuations in share prices of selected companies in India. The Stock exchange is a market for old securities which have been already issued and listed on a stock exchange. These Securities are purchased and sold continuously among investors without involvement of companies. The Stock exchange provides not only free transferability of shares but also makes continuous evaluation of securities traded in the market. The present study is deliberate to examine the Risk & Return Analysis of Selected Stocks in India. Risk may be defined as the chance of variations in actual return. Return is defined as the gain in the value of investment. The return on an investment portfolio helps an investor to evaluate the financial performance of the investment.
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Dr. S. Krishnaprabha and Mr. M Vijayakumar (2015), “A study on Risk and Return Analysis of Selected Stocks in India”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, Vol. /3, Issue/4, Page/2550-2554.