Comparative Analysis of Procurement of Blood Examination Equipment of Hospital Laboratory in Bantul Area

Comparison, Quantitative Analysis, Investment Worthiness


  • Rohmatullah Rohmatullah Master of Hospital Management - Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, D.I Yogyakarta Indonesia
  • Firman Pribadi Master of Hospital Management - Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, D.I Yogyakarta Indonesia
May 7, 2018


There is a positive upward trend for 2014 from every month there is an increase in the number of patient visits for hematology. With these tools in Hospital constrained technical problems because the tool can not do quickly so that some problems and contracts will expire this year. It  Hospital laboratory in Bantul area in the future want to increase service and do the development of laboratory with the modernization of tools in the hope will solve the problem. This type of research is a case study with a holistic single case study design. Selected case study strategies because the research is intended to track contemporary events, investigating phenomena in real-life contexts by utilizing multiple sources of evidence.  The business feasibility analysis value Net Preasent Value of Positif,  Internal Rate Of Return of 106%, Payback Period Of 1 Year 1 Mount, Accounting rate of Return of 202%, Provitability Index Of 20,8 % on this research for the purchase of Hematology Analizer Equipment and According to Cash Flow comparison in this research then the most appropriate choice is the purchase of hematological Analizer tool because it is more profitable. Based on the business feasibility analysis on this research for the purchase of Hematology Analizer Equipment and According to Cash Flow comparison in this research then the most appropriate choice is the purchase of hematological Analizer tool because it is more profitable.